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Memory Care Programs

Designed for people living with memory issues and their loved ones, our memory programs are based on groundbreaking evidence-based research and are put into practice with respect, compassion, and confidentiality. Our suite of memory programs serves both people living with age-related cognitive decline and memory loss, Alzheimer’s and related dementias, and their families and care partners. Those interested in these programs can contact the Helping Department to be matched with the program that best suits their needs, schedule, and interests, or you may scroll down to see what each program includes.

Please check the calendar for updates on in-person or virtual status for each event.

Which program is right for me?  

Care Partner Support Group

Our peer-led Care Partner Support Group provides an opportunity for care partners and family members to share resources and discuss emotions in a confidential setting. A family care partner is someone who provides unpaid care for another person. This person could be a spouse, parent, child, other relatives, or friend. Our Care Partner Support Group provides an opportunity for care partners and family members of loved ones who are experiencing memory and thinking issues to share resources. The group values respect and responds with empathy and non-judgmental feedback in a confidential setting.

Fourth Wednesday of every month 12:30-2pm

Memory Café

Memory Café provides a time and space for individuals who are experiencing memory challenges to get out of the house and engage in a fun and mentally stimulating activity with their loved one. Memory Café brings together groups of people with a common cause and provides a supportive social environment. In addition, participants have the opportunity to meet new people and form new friendships to support one another. It is a time to gather for activities, conversation, coffee, and snacks. There is no charge to participate, although donations are welcome. RSVP required. This program alternates between meeting in-person and virtually. Check calendar for details.

First And Third Thursday of each month
Check calendar for times

Memory Makers

Individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (or other memory-related disorders) and their care partners are welcome to attend this psychoeducational support group for early-stage memory disorders. Individuals need to be screened for participation prior to joining the group to ensure that they meet the criteria established by the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Each meeting consists of introductions and an hour-long lecture from a professional in the community on topics related to their new diagnosis. Then the group is separated into two groups, one composed of individuals with memory impairment and the other composed of their care partners. In these smaller groups, individuals share needs, feelings, and concerns, and learn new coping skills while building a support system with one another. Memory Makers is provided free of charge through a partnership between Jewish for Good, Duke Family Support Program, Duke Memory Disorders Clinic, and the Alzheimer’s Association. This program is funded in part with a grant from the Carolina Foundation for Jewish Seniors. Pre-registration and telephone screening is required.

Runs on a periodic basis, currently three times per year (Fall, Spring, Summer)


Musical Memories

Musical Memories is an innovative program based on ground-breaking research that shows how music improves the lives of those living with a memory disorder. This program takes on a variety of forms, including a partnership with a memory group from Scotland, Jukebox Reminiscence, and sessions led by a music therapist.

Runs ON a periodic basis

Please email Jordana Brown if you are interested in these types of programs.